Online Business
Marketing Online Strategy #3) Directory Listings
Adding your business to appropriate directory listings
(local directory listings, business directories, etc.) is another
way of marketing online that takes little time and is relatively
inexpensive. Whatever local business groups you belong to,
such as your local Chamber of Commerce, probably have
websites where they allow members to list their businesses
online and perhaps even place ads on the site at special rates.
Search out other local sites, especially those related to tourism,
and make sure you're listed there, too.
Marketing Online Strategy #1) Have a Blog/Website.
The first step to successful marketing online is to have
a home base on the Web. It doesn't really matter if you have
an official website or a blog or a combination of both.
Either will give you a Web address where people can find
you and a convenient way of referring to you, two things that
will facilitate your marketing online efforts. So even if you
don't sell anything online directly, you need a website.
I encourage business people to have a blog on their website
or serving as a website because if you blog regularly and
have something relevant to say, you will develop a following -
and some of those people will help your marketing online efforts
by spreading the word about you and your products
and/or services.
Marketing Online Strategy #2) Online Advertising
Many small businesses in particular bother with this marketing
online strategy, I suspect because they don't want to shell out for it.
They only want to do free marketing online. I say, there's
absolutely nothing wrong with free marketing online
strategies - as long as you realize they're not. All the 'free' online
marketing strategies I'm aware of take a considerable time investment,
meaning they're only free if your time is worth nothing.
Traditional online advertising, on the other hand, takes relatively
little time and can be a very effective marketing online strategy.
The first thing you need to know about it is that there are two
cost models, CPM and CPC.
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