Sabtu, 05 Juni 2010

Defusing Hostile People

Principles of Defusing Hostility

Follow these principles when dealing with an angry

person to succeed! (see BOTH parts)

If You Lose Control, You Lose, Period!

Manipulative nasty behaviour is designed to affect you

emotionally so that you will become aggressive or defensive.

When we lose our cool and defend ourselves or become

aggressive we actually end up doing what the other nasty

person wants us to do...and we lose because we enter into

an ugly game where nobody can win. Self-control is critical,

and that has a particular meaning. It means that we control

our behaviour. You are entitled to be angry or upset if you

choose but you can learn to control your behaviour and the

way you express that anger or upset so something good

comes from it. Here are some tips:

• When dealing with someone who is attempting to provoke

a confrontation, make a conscious attempt to slow down

your responses. Do NOT reply immediately since your first gut

level response is likely to be an angry or defensive response.

Before you respond, ask yourself the questions: "How can

I deal with this situation so I create LESS anger and upset

on both sides?". Then respond.

• Pay special attention to the speed and loudness of your

speech. When people get excited they tend to talk more

quickly and loudly and that causes the other person to

escalate the conversation increases in speed there

is less and less thought and more chance that people will say

things that are destructive. Take your time.

• If you are really triggered, ("pi*sed off") at what is being said

to you, it is a good idea to take a time-out. A time-out is not

avoidance--it differs in terms of what one says. For example,

if you say: "I'm not talking about this with you" that is an

avoidance response and a brush-off and likely to make the

situation worse. If you say: "It isn't a good time for me to talk

about this, but I would like to discuss it with you tomorrow.

Can we set up a time to meet?, that's different because it is

expressing a commitment to work with the person and does

so without characterizing the conversation as negative.

What You Focus On You Get More Of

There is a general principle in life that the things you focus on

you get more of. Practically speaking, that means that when

someone used confrontation-provoking behaviour you have

a choice as to whether you talk about the "junk" or "bait" or

whether you talk about something constructive. If you focus

on side-issues, personal attacks, negativity, past-centered

comments, etc., THAT is what the conversation will be about.

If you turn the conversation to something constructive, and do

not focus on the confrontation-focusing comments, you don't

allow the attacking person a forum to continue the attacks.

(see also Avoid Taking The Bait)

Avoid High Risk, High Gain Behaviour

Some reactions to nasty attacking behaviour have some chance

of succeeding, but are called high risk, high gain behaviour.

That is, when they work, they work well, but when they fail,

they increase the level of emotion, aggression and even violence.

Two examples: a verbal blunt smack upside the head, and

hum our. Both will work sometimes (probably rarely), and when

they work they can be very effective in turning a destructive

converse tion around. The problem is when they don't work,

they increase the escalation of the conflict situation.

We tend to remember the few times when high risk, high

gain actions succeed, and make the mistake of assuming

that they will work again. This is usually not the case.

In conflict situations it is a better bet to stay away from those

kinds of actions because more often than not they backfire.

Don't Take The Bait

We've left this principle to last because it is probably the

most important. It ties in with several other principles we

have talked about.

The term verbal bait refers to the many confrontation provoking

behaviors that have a single purpose; to control and

manipulate you into responding in emotional ways. When you

take the bait, the "fisherperson" basically reels you in, since

you have given up control of the conversation. Worse, you

have given up control of the conversation to someone who

probably doesn't have your best interests at heart.

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