Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010

Courteney Cox Complains about Aging and Her Emmy Dream

Courteney Cox – popular star of “Cougar Town,” hit new comedy, aired on ABC, and former “Friend” actress – is complaining that she is the only “Friends” ensemble member who hasn’t been nominated for Primetime Emmy.

Courteney gave her interview to Emmy Magazine in which she said that her ego was really bruised when absolutely all her co-stars were nominated and she wasn’t. According to her, she didn’t feel good at all about that. Cox says that there were some years – like the Monica-Chandler ones, but in her opinion, she probably was not ready for Emmy nomination.

Despite the fact that Courteney Cox, 46, looks really perfect on the cover of Emmy Magazine’s Issue No.4 of 2010, she says that aging is definitely not anyone’s friend.

She says that it was like one second ago when she was the youngest actress on the set. And what is now? She is the oldest one. Courteney continues that even her joints hurt so much when she keeps her legs crossed for a long time. If she wants to watch a movie, read a book, or see the computer, she has to put on glasses. (celebrityspicynews)

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