Rabu, 31 Maret 2010

Fast Earning Tips

If You collect Money Like This
It Will to Late
I want to help you earn fast
Blonde girl with money and piggy bank photo
Basic Principles
to earn money!!

First and most
important point to

A poor man is not the one, who doesn't have a penny in his pocket...But the one with out a dream.
Those days
my earnings were only 2000$ a month, but my expenditures were crossing 2200$. So, every month my debts were
increasing 200$. My parents were forcing me to reduce my expenditures so that I should save at least 200$ a month.
But my idea is always different. If I adjust with my expenditures & start saving from my earnings, I will never become

Being rich is every ones dream. But only few dreams everyday about it. But only few have the determination to
achieve their goal.
I remember once(1998) my parents were scolding me for my expenditures being beyond my earnings.

Some ways to say focused at work

Lifehacker points to an interesting post with 18 ways to stay focused

at work. OfficeTalk makes it really easy to use some of these tips:

1. Write out a daily task list and plan your day.

You can schedule any OfficeTalk task simply by dragging it onto your diary.

The Activities view is also really useful as it will just show the tasks that

are due on the day, week or month that you are viewing.

2. Allocate time slots colleagues can interrupt you.

This is where OfficeTalk knocks the socks off the competition.

Not only can you easily view colleagues' diaries

(if you've been granted permission)

but you can also create groups and view diaries alongside each other.

Meetings mode will search for free time slots. Makes it really easy to

let people know when you and can't be interrupted.

3. Apply time boxing. This is something I've always done,

but I've never called it time boxing. Working on something and

then switching to something else does keep you fresh and for me

certainly helps me to think better. Using OfficeTalk you can mark

a task as being partially finished so that colleagues can see

where you are on it.

We also use the notes field and time stamp to keep a note of

what's happening, making it easier for colleagues to update

clients if you're not available.

4. Setup filters in your email.

Not only does OfficeTalk let you create all of the rules you

would expect to filter your email you can also set flags for follow-up

or assign a task to yourself or a colleague.

There are 14 other tips to check out - not all of which I would agree with.

For example the 'Do not check personal email in the morning' wouldn't work

for me as all of my email accounts go into into OfficeTalk so

that I can keep track of all of my conversations and tasks.

The history and pending views on contacts are ideal for refreshing your

memory before you speak to friends or business contacts.

9 Tips and Tricks Starting Business

Tips-tricks Starting Business

Every Entrepreneur a new one or expert, always starting from these tips.

No body will be success without implementing some of these tips

Start with a dream. All start from a dream and make sure the product that

we want to offer.

A dream is where it all started: Dreamer always creates and make

a breakthrough in the product, the way of service, or ideas that can be sold successfully.

They do not recognize boundaries and bound, do not recognize

the word “can not” or “not possible”.

Love your Products. We must love our product because it will give a confidence

to the customers and make hard work feels light. Make us able

to go through difficult times. Enthusiastism and Persistence:

enthusiasm and tenacity as a sign of love and confidence will be

the backbone of the success of a new business.

Learn fundamental business. Beyond THE “BUY LOW, SELL HIGH,

PAY late, collect early”:There would not be successful without a

basic knowledge. Find a good teacher.

4. Willing to TAKE CALCULATED Risks
Take risks. The Gaint that u will be able to achieve is directly proportional

to the risk taken : Dare to take the calculated risk is the early key

in the business world, because the results will be achieved will be proportional

to the risk that will be taken. IF the risk is calculated as good as possible

it will be in great chance. And this is the key factor that distinguishes

“entrepreneur” with the “manager”.

Entrepreneur will be required at the beginning of the development company,

and the manager will be required to set up a company that has been developed.

Seek advice from experts, but we follow the words. Consult Consultants,

ask the experts, but follow your hearts.

Entrepreneur always seek advice from various parties, but the final decision is

always in the hands and can be decided with the six senses to it.

Good communication and selling skill. In the early phases of a business,

skill is the key to successful selling. And the ability to understand and control

the relationship with customers will help develop the business in that phase.

Hard work. Ethics of hard work is often regarded as ancient dream and

should be replaced, but the hard-work and smart-work can not be separated again now.

Almost all successful start-up takes workaholics.

The real Entrepreneur never be separated from work, sleeping at the time

his brain was working and thinking about his bussiness.

We must have friends as much as possible. Friends will help develop

our business, give advice, to help assist in the difficult period.

8. DEAL WITH failures
Face failure. Failure is a vitamin to strengthen and sharpen our intuition

and the ability to be entrepreneur, as long as failure was not “killing”.

Each business will always have a risk of failure and when it happens to,

be prepared and face it!

Do it now. When you are ready, do it now. Manager always do READY-AIM-Shoot,

but the entrepreneur will make a shoot-READY-AIM! Decide and do now, because

tomorrow is not ours.

Love Maria!

Selasa, 30 Maret 2010


Maria's New Article

For You

"Yes! You CAN Start

Your Own

Online Business
And Start Earning

Money From Home!"


Networking Gets New Game Plan,

You Should Too

No one should have to live a life of struggle! You should have

a life you LOVE living! This resource "Online Business Ideas"

is available to you as a downloadable ebook directly accessible

from the Internet.

Don't wait until your finances take even more of a beating!

Take control by taking action right now, today!

Is There Really A Way To
Earn Extra Money?

The truth is, there are ways to earn extra money,
without having to pay for transportation or childcare.
Thanks to technology, you can use the internet to create your
own business, right from the comfort of your own home.

I know this may sound scary, and you've probably heard
stories about people losing money through online scams,
but there really are legitimate ways to earn money from home!
Online Business Ideas Book Cover

YES! You Can Start Your Own Online Business and
Earn Money From Home!

In order to start a successful business, you need to learn about
the various types of businesses you have the option of starting.
You need to choose the right business, otherwise,
you won't enjoy it, and it will seem like just another j-o-b.

I've just completed a new resource called "Online Business Ideas:

You CAN create your own home-based business using your

computer and the Internet," which gives you a step-by-step guide

for starting more than 15 different businesses!

7 Universities and Websites Offering Free

Business Entrepreneurship Courses Online

Approximately 10 million entrepreneurs consider starting businesses in

the U.S. every year. Only 3 million of these people actually do it.

You could be one of the 3 million if you take advantage of these free online

courses in business entrepreneurship.

Love Maria!

Just do Something at Home

With the Help of Maria's Tips

===> Tip No 1 < ===

First,you must have a strong WHY.

Why MUST you have a successful home business? What is driving you?

What is it that you CAN’T have in your life anymore and/or what is it that

you absolutely MUST HAVE now?

For me, I couldn’t stand working 12+ hours a day anymore and

missing the experience of my children growing up.

I also absolutely HAD TO HAVE the freedom of being able to control my

life and finances through a little box (laptop computer) that I could carry

with me anywhere in the world and not be tied to anyone’s time pressures

or demands but my own. That was my carrot and my stick.

I felt a great pain deep in my gut of missing out on my children’s lives

and the incredible freedom that succeeding in a home based business

would provide for me. I found my why. You MUST find yours.

Confident, successful & mature businessman
Confident, successfull and mature businessman isolated on white

===> Tip No 2 < ===

You must BELIEVE that it is possible.

If you don’t believe that it’s POSSIBLE for you to have a successful

home based business or make your living from home,

you won’t. It’s that simple.

For me, figuring out that it was possible was just a matter of

realizing that many other people were ALREADY making great

money working from home. If they could do it, I could too.

It would just be a matter of figuring out what those people

were doing and then adapting it to my situation.

There is no shortage of undeniable PROOF that people

(millions of them) are making money working from home.

Just get online and do some research and you’ll find countless

testimonials and stories of REAL PEOPLE making real money on the Internet.

Or head to your local bookstore and you’ll find the same documented evidence of this fact. Truth is, it’s getting easier and easier to make money with your own home based business.

I’ve always said that “affiliate marketing” (a simple way to make money from home)

is the job of the future. In the old days, you had to go to a potential employer,

apply for the position and hope for the best.

Now you can simply go to any company you want,

fill out their affiliate application and start work immediately.

Affiliates are the new working class. In fact, making money with affiliate

programs or making your living on the Internet is WAY MORE than possible.

It is pretty much (or will be soon enough) unavoidable now.

Affiliate marketing is the “job” of the future that’s already here TODAY.

You can do many works at a time
busy businessman over a white background - 6 arms showing all the tasks he has to do

===> Tip No 3 < ===

You must be willing to MAKE THE LEAP.

Ready, FIRE, then aim… This is the operating philosophy you MUST

adopt to succeed with a home based business.

That’s backwards for most people who like to aim before they fire.

The fact is that home based business success is a moving target…

The only thing constant about it is change.

You need to stop analyzing the game and simply jump into it.

You can’t learn from the outside… You have to be *IN THE RING* to truly

understand and profit from it. In fact, this is a business where you can

truly be earning WHILE you’re still learning…

The lesson here is that you will never really be READY to start

a home based business.

You simply have to start one. It’s like having children…

You’re never really ready, but when it happens you adapt and

grow and therefore you succeed. This is what I call:

You will be on Top
Ecstatic businessman with his laptop

Love Maria!

Senin, 29 Maret 2010

Tom Binns in Wonderland!

Where have you been?! Unless you've been living under a rock for the last month -- Am sure  you've heard of the new Alice in Wonderland  film by Tim Burton was released with baited breath at the beginning of March. Now your able to get hands on those super cute accessories by Tom Binns in collaboration with Disney Couture that's inspired by the movie. Which I think is fabulous! 

Now ~H is grinning like cheshire cat! *ggls*


Minggu, 28 Maret 2010

Take Your Startup Viral

With the Help of MARIA

These entrepreneurs grew their businesses by teaching
others the tricks of their trade. You can, too.

Establish Your Expertise,

and Don't be Afraid to Share it
Passi says entrepreneurs can establish themselves as experts in

a given field by carving out a niche in already-crowded marketplaces.

Once they find a specialty, she says entrepreneurs should prove their

expertise in that field by publishing books and papers on the topic.

She has written a book, Winning the Toughest Customer,

The Essential Guide to Selling to Women, and has written articles that

appear in publications spanning the globe.

"Medelia is the leader in teaching others how to sell to women,"

Passi says. "There's no one else who specializes in it. I'm it.

Once you really determine what you niche is,

you can make sure you're known as the expert in whatever that niche is."

Nazarian, too, found that sharing her expertise in two books

about copywriting helped establish her as an expert in her field.

Still, she says she had to get past the idea that she'd be putting

herself out of work by teaching others a skill she got paid to do.

"Once I got past the fear aspect,

I realized that the folks who are taking me up on the do-it-yourself

copywriting are the clients who are never going to hire a copywriter,"

says Nazarian, who still takes on copywriting work herself.

"So it's not like I downsized myself out of a client so much as

I am serving a group that wasn't being served before."

Know how to package yourself. Nazarian says she quickly

learned she had to market her training as simple and user-friendly,

not academic and intense. Her first book was titled

Copywriting 101 for Small Businesses, Entrepreneurs,

Coaches and Consultants. Her second: One Minute Copywriter.

"I took what sounded cumbersome and school-like and made it

sound easy, quick and do-able," she says.

"I'm into providing really quick ways people can get good copy."

Passi says developing a simple seven-step sales

process and branding her program "WomenCertified"

has helped crystallize the complex art of selling to female consumers.

"You need to have a program you can duplicate," Passi says.

"There are a lot of people with an expertise.

The question is whether they can transfer that knowledge and

create a franchise around it."

Teach Other Teachers
For Passi, creating a franchise around her knowledge meant training

a cadre of assistants to teach clients.

She now employs 35 "specialists" who are trained to teach clients her

"WomenCertified" program, which lessens her workload and helps

net more clients than she could on her own.

"I wish someone had told me years ago that it's better to create

a product around your expertise rather than try to be

a one-man-band and blanket world with your knowledge,"

Passi says.

Hall, too, says she benefited personally and professionally

from training hundreds of "smarties" to teach clients

about social media and internet marketing.

"No matter how you cut it, there are only so many hours each

day you can be working with clients,"

Hall says. "If you don't package your services, you will run yourself

exhausted--and cap your potential revenue."

Love Maria!

Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010

You will be Rich right now

Magic to get Money From MARIA


The Secret reveals the most powerful law in the universe.
The knowledge of this law has run like a golden thread through
the lives and the teachings of all the prophets, seers, sages and
saviors in the world's history, and through the lives of all truly great
men and women. All that they have ever accomplished or attained
has been done in full accordance with this most powerful law.

Without exception, every human being has the ability to transform
any weakness or suffering into strength, power, perfect peace, health,
and abundance.

Rhonda Byrne's discovery of The Secret began with a glimpse of the
truth through a 100 year old book. She went back through centuries,
tracing and uncovering a common truth that lay at the core of the most
powerful philosophies, teachings and religions in the world.

What Rhonda discovered is now captured in The Secret,
a film that has been viewed by millions around the world.
The Secret has also been released as an audio-book and printed book
with more than 16 million copies in print in over 40 languages.

The Secret reveals the natural law that is governing all lives.
By applying the knowledge of this law, you can change every aspect
of your life.

This is the secret to prosperity, health, relationships and happiness.
This is the secret to life.

Photo of Piles of Coins and Money

The Making of The Secret

One Spring day towards the 2010

Rhonda Byrne discovered a secret -

the secret laws and principles of the universe.

Almost immediately her life was transformed,

as she began to put into practice what she had learned.

And in that moment her greatest wish, and mission,

was to share this knowledge with the world.

Stock Photography Close Up Image of Dollars and Pounds


Rain of MONEY

Maria wants you here in the
Rain of MONEY
business young entrepreneurs

Ten Ways of Reducing Your Crisis Vulnerability
by: Jonathan Hemus

No organisation is immune to crisis. That’s a fact. But it’s wrong to assume crises are always random, unpredictable or simply “acts of God”. The truth is that there are things you can do to significantly reduce the possibility of your organisation suffering a crisis. And when you consider that a mis-handled crisis can have a major financial impact on a business, why wouldn’t you take the following steps to make your organisation less vulnerable to crisis?

Here are the ten ways of reducing you crisis vulnerability.

1. Conduct a reputational risk assessment

Conducting a regular - at least annual - reputational risk assessment not only reduces your chances of being blind-sided by a damaging incident, it also provides the stimulus for actions to reduce their likelihood and/or impact.

2. Conduct a reputational risk assessment - with a difference

cheerful company of friends. prize of money...
5 Reasons Why You Should Hire
A Specialist Blog Manager
For Your Business Blog
A lot of people of all ages have been hooked into blogging.
Among the popular blogging platforms are Blogger and Wordpress.
The experience of blogging is like taking the whole dear diary
thing into the next level.
With the advancement in technology, blogging is the next
best thing to writing in leather-bound journals. With blogging,
people can express their thoughts and feelings.
Of course, there's the whole privacy issue.
Surprisingly, nobody seems to mind that
a lot of people get to view their blogs as well.

business millionaire over white - dollars coming down

Over the recent years since its advent, blogging have come
a long way from just being a medium of expression for people.
Blogs have been utilized by organizations, fans and
even businesses. However, the idea of using business blogs
is no longer a unique idea.
A lot of business owners in the same market niche are
also in the same page in promoting their businesses online.
The competition is tough. Blogs must be updated regularly to
keep more followers from visiting.
A specialist blog manager would really help a lot in managing
your business blog and here are 5 reasons why.
The competition with other business blogs in the same
market niche is high. This means that you really have
to go neck to neck against your competitors to gain
more customers and secure more sales.
You simply cannot leave your blog as it is or your
followers and other potential customers will find nothing
interesting in it, and you lose your sales.
A specialist blog manager will be there to continuously
update your business blog.

View Raw Image">


Loubie Junkie

It's no secret that I am addicted to Loubies! So my friends at Christian Louboutin St HonorĂ© Boutique have sent me earlier their new arrivals to choose from. What I love most about this collection is the fine balance between soft, hard & tribal mix, which as you all know is SO in this season! Check out my favorite picks.^^
