Jumat, 30 April 2010

Some Steps for Bloggers

How to Install Google Analytics on Blogger

Google Analytics Blogger Logo

Wouldn’t it be nice to know how many people actually visited your

blog each day? How about knowing which of your posts are the

most popular? Well surprisingly Blogger doesn’t currently offer

any native blog analytics but fortunately there is Google Analytics —

available for free.

Google Analytics is a great tool that will show you all sorts of useful

information about how people found your blog, keywords they searched

on to find you, where they came from and even how long they stayed.

You’ll learn more about where your visitors come from and how they

interact with your blog. This is a must tool if you are trying to build

a profitable blog otherwise you are flying blind!

This article will show you how to add Google Analytics to your

Blogger blog. It’s a fairly simple process and doesn’t require

any technical skill at all.

Step #1 – Setup a Google Analytics Account

Go to Google Analytics and sign in using your Blogger login.

If your account doesn’t work for some reason, you can create

a new one instead.

Once you login you’ll see a screen that looks like this:

Google Analytics Blogger Sign Up Step 1

Click on the “Sign Up >>” button and proceed to the next step which

will ask you for your general information. Website URL, Account Name,

Country, and Time Zone. The screen will look like this:

Google Analytics Blogger Step 2

If you noticed, I just put my Blogger url (without the http://) and called it

“David’s Account” because this is your top-level container for 1 or 100

different websites so it’s a good idea to name it something more general.

The next step will ask you for your contact information which includes your

first name, last name, phone number, and country. Easy so far right? :-)

Google Analytics Blogger Step 3

Your last step in signing up will ask you to accept the user agreement

terms and conditions which you should read (just kidding…who

actually ever reads these entire legal terms anyhow?).

Google Analytics Blogger Step 4

Now this next screen is very important. This is the code you will need to

copy and paste into your blogger template. Go ahead and click into the

box and it will automatically highlight the entire block of code for you.

Now you need to copy that code and paste it into notepad or into a

MS Word document. Save it as you’ll need to use it later.

Google Analytics Blogger Step 5

After you click on the “continue >>” button you will be taken to

your brand new Google Analytics dashboard! You will see your

blogger blog listed but with no analytical data….yet.

Google Analytics Blogger Dashboard

Ok, now you are done with setting up your Google Analytics account.

The next step is placing the tracking code into your Blogger template so

it can report back to Google Analytics and provide you with some cool

data points.

Step #2 – Adding GA Tracking Code to Your

Blogger Template

This is not a very difficult step even if you are afraid to touch your template

code. Login to your Blogger account and then click on the “Layout” =>

“Edit HTML” tabs. This will bring you to the template code. Before you

make any changes, I advice you to back up your template just in case

there are any problems. After you’ve done so, continue reading.

Now in the edit template html code window, scroll all the way to the

bottom of your template code and look for the tag. There should

only be one of these closing tags in your template. If you can’t find it

then your template wasn’t properly created and you should add one right

above the tag.The tag should always be your last

line of code in your template. It signifies the end of your template.

Ok, now go back to the code you saved before in a Word Doc from

Google Analytics. You are going to copy it and paste it right above the

tag as illustrated in the image below. The yellow highlighted

code is the new GA code I just pasted into my template.

Save your template and you shouldn’t get any error messages.

If you do, it’s most likely not related to this GA code and something

else with your template itself. Assuming you’ve been successful

with your save, you are all done embedding the GA code in

your template!

Step #3 – Confirm Google Analytics is Tracking

blogger google analytics code 2

Go back into your Google Analytics account and look at your dashboard.

Most likely you will see a little yellow exclamation mark under the

“status” column that looks like this: google analytics tracking not installed. This means everything isn’t

working properly yet which is fine because we are about to tell GA

we just added the code. From your dashboard, click on the “edit”

link which is located to the far right.

Google Analytics Blogger Dashboard Edit

After you click on that link, you’ll see another screen like below.

It will say “Tracking Not Installed” followed by a link “Check Status”.

You’ll want to go ahead and click on that link which will tell GA to

visit your site and look for the new code you just pasted in

your template.

Google Analytics Blogger Dashboard Check Code

Assuming you pasted the code in there as instructed above,

GA will find the new code and begin tracking everything on your blog.

If you are still having problems, it’s most likely something to do with

GA and you should read their help guide to troubleshoot your problem.

Google Analytics Blogger Dashboard Success

The message seen here, “Waiting for Data” means you have correctly

setup GA and data is being gathered! Click on the top left Google Analytics

logo and it will take you back to your dashboard. From there click on the

“View report” link and that’s where all your very important Blogger visitor

data will start appearing!

Google Analytics Blogger Dashboard Results

Now it usually takes an hour or so before you will see any data

(maybe longer if you don’t get much traffic to your blog) so please be

patient. Trust me, you’ll be logging in at least once a day just to see

how much traffic your blog is getting. It’s very addicting and powerful

information to learn from. You’ll be surprised which posts are your

most popular and what countries people are coming from to read

your blog.

Google Analytics is very powerful and we have just learned how to install it

into your Blogger template. We haven’t even scratched the surface on

the features and reporting it can do. For most Bloggers, this will be

enough. Data will be collected and you will just review it. Others with

more in-depth goals (like selling products or services, creating a sales

funnel, etc) will want to spend more time learning GA. Hope you enjoyed

the tutorial and don’t blame me for your new found addiction!

Ready to super charge your blog? Check out our professional

premium blogger templates or make money by joining our

blog affiliate program!

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Blogger Mistakes

Blogger Mistakes You Can’t
Afford To Commit

Who am I to teach you about blogger mistakes?

I’m not a big-time blogger. Neither has my blog won any award.

But I do know one thing, that is, how to use my blog as a tool

to achieve my goal.

I’m telling you this because this is exactly the TOP mistake

that many new bloggers make.

Many new bloggers tend to treat their blog as some kind of online

holy grail, thinking that as long as they have a blog, traffic will

come and they will make money.

What they should do instead is to think of blog as just another a tool.

It should be part of the business, not the business.

I know this is a bit theoretical and ‘dry’, but this is an important

fundamental that you must understand, if you want to follow

my advice.

As you know, I get most of my writing inspiration from our members’

questions. Today’s topic on blogger mistakes is no different.

1) Build A Business, Not A Blog

As I said, I don’t consider myself as a blogger.

My approach to blogging is from the perspective of a marketer.

To me, blog is one of my marketing tools for my business.

In other words, blogging is not my business, and it should not

be your business too.

Frankly, I can’t see a business in your blog. What I can see instead

is you are trying to write some articles and get people to buy the

Click bank product you’re affiliated to. That’s not a business.

Your domain name is membership-millions.com. If I were you,

I will turn the blog into a resource centre that teaches people how

to make money from membership. You may write articles that teach

people how to start a membership site, how to promote membership

sites, etc. You can engage a freelancer to create a membership script

to give away.

If you choose to go the membership way, everything you do should be

related to membership. Your opt-in freebie should be an ebook about

membership. Your articles should be about membership.

If you are afraid that you may not have enough material to write

about membership, your worry is unnecessary. Everything about

internet marketing can be twisted to link to membership.

For example, your little twitter ebook can be renamed to

“how to promote your membership with twitter”.

2) Forget About Making Money

Beggars can’t be choosers. New bloggers can’t be choosers too.

For a new blog, you must focus on providing useful content and

forget about making money.

At the beginning stage, you MUST establish your blog as a useful

resource that people can turn to. Promoting affiliate products should

be a by-the-way thing.

For example, while teaching people how to promote their membership

websites, there may be some traffic tools that you can recommend.

You are more likely to make sales if you focus on providing useful

advice rather than focusing on promoting the product.

3) Be Extremely Proactive In List Building

If you have been reading my blog, you should know that I

advocate ‘list’ before ‘blog’.

If you haven’t started building a list, you should do it asap.

When I say building a list, I’m not talking about the opt-in form

that is currently in your blog. I’m talking about a separate squeeze

page that you actively advertise and promote to get people to


You need to build your list fast so that these subscribers can become

your blog readers. Else you are forever talking to dust.

Check out our list builder script in your members’ area and see how

it can help you in this.

4) Practice Search Engine Optimization

Your blog may be SEO ready, but your articles are not,

or at least I can’t see how a new blog can get to the top

search result for a highly competitive keyword of “How

To Make Money Online Fast” with some 1,390,000,000


If you don’t understand SEO, learn it. If you have learnt it,

practise it.

Build links to your blog. Research your keywords before every post.

This is the minimum you should do.

You won’t see immediate effects. But in 3 to 6 months, you will

reap what you sow.

These are the immediate things you as a blogger.

Moving ahead, there are tons of things you can do to keep you very busy.

For example, you can sell your own product, start your own affiliate

program, create a brand for yourself in your niche and a lot more.

Online Business as a Blogger

Blogger Copyright Tips


What is copyright? Copyright is a form of protection provided

for original works of authorship, including literary, dramatic,

musical, graphic and audiovisual creations. "Copyright"

literally means the right to copy, but has come to mean

that body of exclusive rights granted by law to copyright

owners for protection of their work.

What is copyright infringement? Copyright infringement

occurs when a copyrighted work is reproduced, distributed,

performed, publicly displayed, or made into a derivative work

without the permission of the copyright owner.

Posting copyright-infringing content can lead to the removal of

your post, blog, and even account termination. If a copyright

owner decides to take legal action against you, this may possibly

mean that you'd be liable for monetary damages

(this is serious—you can get sued!). Below are some guidelines

to help you determine whether your blog is legit or whether it

infringes someone else's copyright. As a general matter, we at

Blogger respect the rights of artists and creators, and hope you

will work with us to keep our community a creative, legal and

positive experience for everyone, including artists and creators.

How To Make Sure Your Blog Does Not Infringe

Someone Else's Copyrights

The way to ensure that your blog doesn't infringe someone else's

copyright is to use your skills and imagination to create something

completely original. If it's all yours, you never have to worry about

the copyright—you own it! If you want to republish content from

another author or creator, make sure to get their authorization first.

For music bloggers, oftentimes there is a lack of communication

between the record label, their legal department, and the promoters

authorized to share the music. Many times the PR folks at a record

label will give permission to the promoters to freely sharely

their artist's works, but they don't communicate this to their legal

department. Please have your music PR folks communicate

better with the record labels that they have cleared certain

albums for free and legal use.

Online Business Website

Make Your Website a

Daily Destination

Every small business loves the exposure,

empathy and sense of community that having

a website that's a daily destination for consumers

can generate. But getting people to visit on

a regular basis can be a challenge, especially

if updates are infrequent or all you have to offer

is the occasional monotone press release or product

announcement. Thankfully, building a website that's

“sticky” enough to keep users engaged and coming

back doesn't have to require investing thousands or

reinventing yourself as the next online media empire.

All it takes is a little elbow grease and personal touch,

as indicated by the simple strategies below,

each designed to send your homepage's daily

number of visitors soaring:

Do-It-Yourself Social Mediae

Connect and Communicate: Make no bones about it:

Blogging should be an essential part of any modern

website. After all, a few clicks is literally all it takes to

post updates in real-time around the clock, creating

a steady stream of content that promises something

new and exciting with every visit. Better still,

professionals at all experience levels have the

capability of readily doing it, and the practice also

helps put a personal face on your organization,

shining the spotlight on the individuals behind it.

However, to really captivate an audience enough

to keep them returning, take note: You'll also need

to provide content that's dynamic, unique and offers

measurable informational or entertainment value,

plus speak in a language that all can understand.

In short, the occasional pre-approved sound bite from

the HR guy or gal won't cut it. Rather, you need to

address audiences like you're having a normal conversation,

and provide content with meaningful substance to the reader.

Making-of articles, features detailing how to get more

from your products, partner profiles, project diaries,

step-by-step how-to guides, interviews with notable

personalities or internal stakeholders: All present

compelling ways to connect with audiences while

also keeping them interested and informed,

providing ample incentive to keep coming back.

Video - Ask the Web Experts

Emphasize Community Building: As social media

insiders well know, creating a sense of community

around your website is one of the most powerful

tools for engaging and ultimately enthralling prospective

fans. But doing so doesn't simply mean throwing up

a sponsored message board then leaving it to stagnate,

or e-mailing customers sporadic newsletter updates

that regurgitate existing material easily found elsewhere.

Rather, you have to not only encourage discussion

and actively take part in conversations by dedicating

internal time and resources, but also make customers

feel as if they truly have a voice in the discussion by

listening to their concerns, responding and sourcing

feedback at every opportunity. Implementing programs

that recognize and reward valued contributors is also

vital, as is creating fan-based initiatives that allow

community members to contribute and share ideas,

concepts and creations of their own. Even simply

giving enthusiasts the chance to submit designs for

your next fundraiser's logo or arranging times where

they can chat with top execs to provide input on

upcoming ventures won't just engender goodwill.

They'll also excite and empower a legion of amateur

brand ambassadors--an essential source of free

ongoing updates and constructive conversations,

which will both attract users to and keep them

enamored with your site.

5 Tips for Quick Social Media Success